The fishing was excellent with over 18 species recorded including cod, pollack, ling, coalfish, pouting, poorcod, b
allan wrasse, cuckoo wrasse, dogfish, whiting, haddock, red gurnard, grey gurnard, tub gurnard, garfish, megrim, scad, and conger. Indeed the winner, Mick Barry, had 148 fish over the three days. That's some fishing!!! Second was Phil Barry with 102 fish, and third was Micky Moore with 80 fish. The team event was won by the Dubs, but the Cork lads gave them a good run for their money.

If you would like to book a trip out with Donie Geary in the John Boy have a look here http://www.sea-fishing-ireland.com/. If you'd fancy going out on the Osprey II you can contact Pat Condon through his website here http://www.atlantic-charters.net/. Joe Lynch, skipper of Wreckhunter, can be contacted here http://www.wreckhunter.ie/ and Alan Kennedy of Lagosta II can be contacted through his email address at alank167@gmail.com.
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