Jim Linehane, skipper of Deora De had a group from Wales out last week. He's given us the following report: "John Morgan form Port Talbot, Wales, had this fine specimen blonde ray while fishing onboard Deora De last Wednesday. This is the second time that this previously tagged blonde has been caught by an angler onboard Deora De. She was also caught on 18-9-09 by English angler, Andy King, when she weighed in at 20.25lbs.
One year later the fish weighed in at just over 26lbs. C.F.B. tag no: 32790, she was released in perfect condition to fight another day. Hope to see her soon."

The Welsh crew also had a specimen mackeral of 2lb 5oz. Looks like they had good fishing allround.
Checks out Jim's webpage at http://www.charterangling.com/
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