While they were coming down they decided to squeeze in a few varied fishing adventures to spice things up. A three day sojourn was organised using the Commodore Hotel in Cobh as a base. On day 1 they were to go shark hunting with Jim Linehan onboard Deora De; on day 2 they were taking a Warrior 175 from the Bellavista fleet to target the reefs and chalk up as many species as possible; and on day 3 they were going to devote the day to targeting that elusive bass.
Well how did the lads get on, I hear you say. Let's just say Mission Accomplished!!! Charlie did manage to get that first bass of his. Mind you he went one better and managed to get a beauty, weighing in at 8lb 6oz. Well done Charlie!!!
Marc also got in on the action and also bagged a few bass.
The previous two days the lads had exhausting but rewarding fishing. On Monday they bagged a fine blue of over 80lbs in weight, and had another who resisted the bait but played water polo with the floats. On Tuesday the species hunt went to plan but best of all Wednesday's bass brought a smile to everyone's face.

The Commodore Hotel are doing attractive accommodation rates for visiting anglers. Contact Mary at reservations at 00-353-21-4811277 or by email on commodorehotel@eircom.net. Alternatively have a look at the hotel's website here.
If you'd fancy booking one of the Bellavista self-drive boats for the day have a look here.
If you'd fancy booking one of the Bellavista self-drive boats for the day have a look here.

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