Cobh SAC had another successful outing yesterday in the concluding competition in their series of light line competitions. As with their last competition in March, the mainstay of their catch was codling. Out of a total of 248 fish landed, 207 were codling! The bulk of these fish fell to crab, however, lugworm did account for many fish aswell. 9 anglers fished the competition aboard the charter boat the 'John Boy.' That gave an average of 28 fish per angler. Not bad going at all, but nothing compared to last months average of 54
fish per angler. Its probably a sign that the spring run of codling is coming to an end. However, it was great fishing while it lasted. For a more detailed report have a look here
If you are interested in a trip out in the John Boy, why not contact Donie Geary directly here
Here's Donie hanging onto one of yesterday's dabs for the tea!!
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