Mick Lockyear and the lads on Naomh Cartha are at it again!!! On Saturday they brought a couple of 'greenhorns' out for their first day's fishing. What a baptism of fire they gave them. Instead of weaning them in with a bit of mackeral bashing they took them straight to a wreck. One of the lads was into his first fish the minute he hit bottom, and what a fish it was too. A fine ling weighing in at 14lbs+.
In fact, being not used to this fishing, the young lad thought he was stuckfast to the bottom.

Not to be
outdone, Ian, soon produced a good ling of similar size. Drift after drift produced a constant stream of fish. Most were ling, and good quality ling at that, but there was pollack there too. In fact by the end of the session Mick reckons they had over 30 pollack and over 40 ling. Now that's good fishing!!!

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