Jim Linehane aboard
'Deora De' is looking forward to the season ahead. If its anything like last season he will have his hands full. Jim has deservedly developed a reputation for chasing down the big blues that frequent the offshore waters over the summer months. He has some track record. He has recorded blue shark on almost every trip that they have targeted them. Wow!
Last summer was exceptional though. In August he had Scottish couple, Linda and Davy Holt out. Davy is well renowned as a common skate specialist and is used to catching leviathans on his own patch. However, nothing prepared him for the leviathan that Linda hooked into on this trip. This beast, pictured here, nearly dragged Linda over the side. Poor Linda held on and
stayed attached for well over an hour. Time and time again the female blue was brought to the boat only to head off on searing runs again, but in this battle of the fair sexes Linda won out. What a fish! It took three of them to hold it. Measurements taken conservatively estimate the fish at 225lbs. That's far in excess of the current Irish record which has been sus
pended for some years now. Here's another pic of a fine blue. Captor this time is Cobh SAC club member, Sandra O' Shea.

Knowing that all this hectic action is more than likely ahead of them Jim and Susan availed of the good weather last weekend and did some 'relaxing' fishing instead. Here's Susan with one of the many codling they had around the Harbour mouth. Me thinks they were stocking up on bait, though, for the big 'uns.
If you'd be interested in booking a trip with Jim aboard Deora De have a look at his website here http://www.charterangling.com/
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