Skipper, Colm Sliney, of the Sarah Marie is gearing up for this year's season which looks to be quite a busy one. Colm is based in Ballycotton on the eastern edge of the angling hub. As such not only can he fish the same grounds as the Cork Harbour skippers, such as the Smiths and the Pollack Rock reef, but has easy access to those eastern marks, such as Knockadoon and Cable Island, that the others can't reach. Colm also fishs many of the wrecks which proliferate the grounds off Ballycotton Bay. Indeed, one of the advantages of Ballycotton is that within minutes of the quayside you are into deep water and some serious fishing marks. Here are some of the pictures from the 2009 season which will give you an idea of the quality of fishing on offer. If you fancy a day out on the Sarah Marie why not contact Colm here at http://www.ballycottonangling.com/

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