Members of Cobh SAC availed of the recent settled weather and targeted the Blue Shark off Cork Harbour this week. Fishing the grounds south of the Ling Rocks they had some hectic action. Over a three hour session they managed to land 10 blue shark to five rods but lost 4 more. On several occassions they had double hook ups, which made for some interesting maneuvering onboard. The smallest of the shark weighed 50 lbs, with the biggest going to 100lbs. For the full report see http://www.cobhsac.blogspot.com/.
If you're interested in fishing for blue shark, all the charter skippers in the Cork Harbour Angling Hub do specialise in shark fishing. Here are their contact details:
John Boy (Donal Geary) http://www.sea-fishing-ireland.com/
Deora De (Jim Linehan) http://www.charterangling.com/
Wreckhunter (Joe Lynch) http://www.wreckhunter.ie/
Cuan Bawn (John & Finbar Barry) http://www.corkharbourboats.com/
Castlemaiden (John & Finbar Barry) http://www.corkharbourboats.com/
Lee Star (John Geary) http://www.anglingcharters.eu/
Osprey II (Pat Condon) http://www.atlantic-charters.net/
Sarah Marie (Colm Sliney) http://www.ballycottonangling.com/
Sundance Kid (Butch Roberts) http://www.anglingkinsale.com/
Naomh Cartha (Ger Keohane) http://www.corkanglingcharters.com/
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