Officers of the SWRFB joined up with anglers last Sunday and had a great day's fishing onboard two of the hub's finest charter boats. They all left the pontoon at Cobh at 10am in the morning in flat calm conditions onboard the Deora De, skippered by Jim Linehan, and Osprey II, skippered by Pat Condon.
As the main purpose of the week long event was to show what angling is all about and to show the role the Fisheries Board play in the sport, the skippers decided to fish two different areas. Deora De opted for the Smiths and Osprey II went to the Ling Rocks.
On Deora De, Jim chose a part of the reef that he knows held fish with some broken ground near by. To cover the ground effectively Jim opted to fish on the drift. The fishing was hectic for the entire day. For some reason the tide had absolutely no effect on the fishing with a steady stream of fish and a variety of species coming to the boat.

Highlight of the da
y was a very nice sized megrim for Irish international shore angler JP Molloy. Just prior to landing the fish JP had been remarking that he never caught a megrim. Then, like a scene from that well known cola ad, JP fumbled it like Packie Bonner. He had that meg everywhere but in his hands and, eventually, it slipped back over the side. Of course this scene played out perfectly to the amusement of some of the novice anglers onboard who had better fishing than JP all day and were letting him know. One of these lads, on his first ever angling trip, had earlier boated the best cod of the day, which was just nudging double figures. He also had a fine specimen grey gurnard. A clear case of the pupil outshining the teacher.

The Osprey II also had good fishing out on the Lings, but it wasn't as hectic as the lads had on
the Smiths. JP reckoned it was one of the best days out in a boat that he had ever had. Both boats returned to the pontoon in heavy showers at around 6pm with lots of very very happy anglers. Most of the fish on the day were released with just a small selction for the table.

If you fancy a day out on with Jim on Deora De you can contact him on his website here http://www.charterangling.com/. If you fancy a trip with Pat on the Osprey II contact him here http://www.atlantic-charters.net/

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