Fishing over the last few weeks has been hectic, so much so that it has been very hard to get any reports from any of the charter skippers as they have been too busy!!! One report that has been logged has been of the capture of a specimen tub gurnard. Tub gurnard are common enough in Cork waters but are not as commonplace as grey and red gurnard. Their average size tends to be small aswell and by no means do they reach the large proportions of tubs found in northern and western waters. That's why a catch a specimen tub is so unusual for this area. A fine 5.5lbs tub gurnard was caught recently by Paulina Turcza fishing with Jim Linehane aboard Deora De.

Paulina, from Cork city, is a regular aboard Deora De and on that day herself and her companions were targeting white fish on a mark close to the Smiths. Upto that point they had plenty of fine cod and ling, but this surely was the highlight of the day out! Paulina certainly looks pleased!!!

Jim also reports that the fishing is still on fire at the moment. On Thursday he had a group of novice teenagers out in sloppy conditions on a mark east of Power Head. Despite their

inexperience the group still landed over 60 conger between them! Another group had a great mixed bag of species with conger, cod, coalfish, pollack, ling, poor cod, pouting, red gurnard, grey gurnard, tub gurnard, haddock, whiting, lesser spotted dogfish, and bullhuss. According to Jim, the whiting are still in plague proportions.
While the weather is still so good you should consider a trip out with one of the hub's boats. If you fancy a trip out on the Deora De you can contact Jim on
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