The John-Boy was once again the top boat in the 2010 Cobh International Deep Sea Angling Festival. Skipper Donal Geary sent us on this report:
"The Cobh four day Festival once again proved a fantastic success. Eventhough, the entries were down in the low fifties, competition was very tense with anglers from Holland, Germany, Wales, England, Scotland and all parts of Ireland taking part.
On Monday morning the boats departed Kennedy Pier at 10am in excellent conditions to fish the Smiths area. Fishing was very slow
with boats moving about in search of fish. Best of the day was Gerard Richardson with a hard earned 350 pts. Best on the John-Boy was 250 pts.
On Tuesday the fishing area was changed to east of Power Head. This proved to be the best move of the week for the John-Boy. Having dropped anchor at 11am we were fishing the last hour of the ebb. The fishing in that hour was slow with only 4 conger landed. We awaited anxiously for the tide to turn and an improvement in the fishing.
Suddenly, as if turning on a light, the conger came on the feed and all hell broke loose. The fish were coming over the gunwhales 3 and 4 at a time. With all fish needing to be netted, weighed onboard, and recorded yours truly was a spent force by the time the lines up call came at 4:45pm. We ended up with 67 conger to 12kg, a number of pollack, ling, cod, and dogs. The best on the boat and winner for the day was Danny Kane with 835 pts, followed closely by Frank Cronin with 800 pts, also onboard. 
On Wednesday we had a well earned rest.
On Thursday morning we again headed east in search of the same stamp of fishing as Tuesday. Alas, as anybody in fishing will tell you, no two days are the same. Again after a slow start things improved by early afternoon. We managed to boat 42 conger with the most falling to local angler, Richie Fortune. This helped Richie to finish joint winner of the day with 555 pts.
On Friday the weather took a change for the worst. All boats were forced to fish nearer to Roches Point. Fishing was very slow all day with the best falling to another local angler, Paul Tennant, with 335 pts. Best on John-Boy was Paul Evans of Wales with 285 pts which was enough to give him 3rd place on the day.
A great evening was had by all in the Commodore Hotel later on with the presentation of prizes and dinner going well into Saturday morning. Worthy winner of the event was Danny Kane with 1830 pts. Best boat went to the John-Boy for the second successive year." (Pictured above left is Skipper Donie Geary with the prize).
If you'd fancy a day's fishing on the John-Boy why not contact Donie. Details are on his website here
"The Cobh four day Festival once again proved a fantastic success. Eventhough, the entries were down in the low fifties, competition was very tense with anglers from Holland, Germany, Wales, England, Scotland and all parts of Ireland taking part.
On Monday morning the boats departed Kennedy Pier at 10am in excellent conditions to fish the Smiths area. Fishing was very slow

On Tuesday the fishing area was changed to east of Power Head. This proved to be the best move of the week for the John-Boy. Having dropped anchor at 11am we were fishing the last hour of the ebb. The fishing in that hour was slow with only 4 conger landed. We awaited anxiously for the tide to turn and an improvement in the fishing.

On Wednesday we had a well earned rest.
On Thursday morning we again headed east in search of the same stamp of fishing as Tuesday. Alas, as anybody in fishing will tell you, no two days are the same. Again after a slow start things improved by early afternoon. We managed to boat 42 conger with the most falling to local angler, Richie Fortune. This helped Richie to finish joint winner of the day with 555 pts.
A great evening was had by all in the Commodore Hotel later on with the presentation of prizes and dinner going well into Saturday morning. Worthy winner of the event was Danny Kane with 1830 pts. Best boat went to the John-Boy for the second successive year." (Pictured above left is Skipper Donie Geary with the prize).
If you'd fancy a day's fishing on the John-Boy why not contact Donie. Details are on his website here
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