The Vermelis Gang struck gold....Dutch Gold!!! Jan Vermelis, Martijn Duijts and Jos Duijts are regular visitors Cobh and the
Commodore Hotel and have being coming to Cork Harbour at this time of the year for a number of years now.

They also come again in early September to fish the Cobh SAC International Deep Sea Angling Festival. Indeed, Jan and Jos have being fishing this event for over 30 years. This time the gang were joined by 6 newcomers to fish almost a week with skipper Joe Lynch on the

The Dutch party got off to slow start with the weather not playing its part but on the first day Martijn had an unusual catch. While he was gilling for pollack he hooked a 3lb seatrout. Now these can be caught up and down the coast but normally close to shore but this was caught on deep water mark east of Power Head that's known for pollack, conger and ling especially. Well done Martijn!!! I'm sure he'll be trying to repeat this feat when he fished the Festival later on in the year.

Things picked up from day two onwards with skipper Joe Lynch concentrating on the grounds East of Power Head. Cod were the quarry and the results were far from disappointing. Cod to 5kgs regularly came over the gunwhales and Martijn assures us that everyone of the party had at least one of that size. I reckon he may have been telling a fisherman's tale to avoid some of the newbies getting a slagging. However, there's no doubting there were one or two fish of this size as the photos attest to.

Two of the ling also topped the 8kg mark which was a great return for the few days. No doubt the lads will be bursting to return in September and, hopefully, the new gang will come aswell!!!
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