Cork Harbour angler Myles Kelly really has caught a case of the blues. It all started earlier in the month when Myles was doing a bit of work for Inland Fisheries Ireland. Myles was assisting Anglers View Media who were making a film to promote angling in Ireland. The film-makers were anxious to capture some footage of blue shark fishing. Arrangements were made with one of Cork Harbour's top blue shark specialists, Jim Linehane, skipper of Deora De. Jim has certainly developed a reputation for finding the blues over the last few years and one of his most notable captures was of a fish estimated at over 225lbs. Jim certainly didn't let the gang down and over a 4 hour period they hooked 6 shark and managed to land 2. First into a shark was Myles. Myles landed one of just under 40lbs and from then on he was bitten by the blues bug, or maybe you could say, smitten!!!
Since then Myles has been out a number of times with his good friend Declan Collins, another reputable Cork Harbour angler, and over the last few weeks they'd landed numerous blue shark. Now that they've tracked the blues down they've been inundated with request from friends to 'tag' along. In the immortal words of another sharker, Myles '....I think you're going to need a bigger boat!!!'
If you'd fancy a day's blue shark fishing why not contact Jim Linehane, skipper of
Deora De, on 00-353-86-4091389, or check out his website
Also, have a look at
Balloons and Blue Shark off Cork for a taste of the action!!!
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