John Boy one of the many Charter boats from the Hub out last weekend making the best of this great spell of weather. Skipper Donie Geary brought his guests out to one of his favourite marks on the Ling Rocks and soon had them in amongst the fish. Donie filed this report:-

"I had a crew from Anglesea SAC of Cork with me on Sunday and we had a great day. The anglers boarded the
John Boy at 10am at Crosshaven and we set off promptly on a very fine, calm & warm Sunday morning.

As conditions were so favourably I decided to make directly for the Ling Rocks, a well known and frequented mark at this time of the year. I logged in the GPS co-ordinates of a particular spot I have and we headed off at full speed. The time passed quickly by as the banter on-board was great.

Shortly, after arriving we began our first drift. The lads were in high spirits and strange references were being made to window dressings - what that was about I don't know but it certainly made for great craic between the lads. However, they didn't have much time to make much more of it as they were off the mark fairly quickly with ling, cod, pollack and wrasse being boated at, pleasantly, regular intervals. The drift carried on producing, with a good mix of species coming on-board; some of the ling and cod were of a good size!

After a bite to eat, and with Big John getting his much revered rocket soup, we went to anchor in search of conger. Things were slow enough to start with but Big John eventually got us off the mark. A few congers followed, along with the odd ling, pollack, pouting, and cod.

After a move in the late afternoon the ling came on strong for a spell. We also had some more conger and few more species for good measure. By days end we had 35 ling on-board. Now that can be classed as a very good day's fishing. The Lagosta II was fishing close by, so I checked in with skipper Alan Kennedy to see how they had got on. They had 36 ling, one more than we did. My, my, my the fishing on the Ling Rocks was superb today....and what a fine day weather-wise it was too. That was a real bonus!

Winner of the boat in the Anglesea comp was Micheal (Conger) Healy with a very respectable 397 points. Not only did Michael have some conger, which was to be expected, but he also had a good mixture of species including ling, pollack, cod, pouting, gurnard & cuckoo wrasse. What a great day....more reports to follow, Donie."
If you'd fancy a day out in the John Boy check out Donie's website
here for contact details.
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