In the week just gone Cobh SAC hosted a very successful deep sea angling festival out of Cork Harbour. This was the 44th year that this event has been run and, as per its usual format, the fishing was over four days. 50 anglers from Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Holland, and Germany participated.

This year the fishing was excellent. Over 1,000 fish were landed over the 4 days. These included 468 conger, 312 pollack, 76 lesser spotted dogfish, 51 ling, 46 pouting, 35 cod, 22

grey gurnard, 11 cuckoo wrasse, 6 coalfish, 3 bullhuss, and 1 garfish. Biggest fish of the week was a 17kg conger, caught by Cork angler, Bob Crebor.

As per usual, the craic and banter during the week was excellent. Each evening the anglers retired to a suitable watering hole to chew the cud over the day's events. This proved especially popular with the foreign anglers!
The event was won by Danny Kane, from Donegal, with over 150kgs of fish. Points are awarded per kg of fish weighed. As well as the usual battery of trophies and crystal prizes, Danny also won €1,000 for first place. In second place was Paul Tennant of Cobh SAC, who won €400, and

in third was Richie Fortune, also of Cobh SAC, who won €200. The Ireland B team won the team event and collected a cheque for €400.
A number of the boats from the Cork Harbour Angling Hub were used for the fishing and these included:
The John Boy, skippered by Donal Geary
http://www.sea-fishing-ireland.com/Wreckhunter, skippered by Joe Lynch
http://www.wreckhunter.ie/Cuan Ban, skippered by John Barry
http://www.corkharbourboats.com/Lee Star, skippered by Aiden Kneeshaw
Entries are now been taken for the 2011 Festival. If you would like more information, contact Cobh SAC club secretary, Mary Geary, at
seaangling@esatclear.ieFOR A FULL REPORT HAVE A LOOK HERE