"The beauty of Cork Harbour is that you can fish it no matter what the weather. If the weather is inclement there is always some sheltered spot that you can pick that will produce. This proved to be the case in the early days of the bass season last weekend when the blustery winds made many a shore venue on the open sea difficult to say the least. Harbour marks still turn

ed up the goods as these photos attest to. Above is a fine 66cm fish caught on a zonk gataride, provided by Cian O' Halloran of Absolute Fishing (
However, the best of the fishing was with soft plastics. The pic over is an interesting one. This fish, caught on a soft plastic, regurgitated a small pollack. Are we matching the hatch? We probably are as many of the more successful SP's were paddle tails such as Delande GT Shads, Savage eels,

Black Minnows, etc.,... These certainly resemble the small pollack in size and colouration. The bass itself was 64.5cm in length.
Not long after this bass of 66cm was caught on a white shad of similar size to the baitfish.

Other species are also taking a fancy to baits intended for bass. Pollack to 5lbs have been taken particularly on slug-go's.

Plastic lures picked up at the show in Nantes earlier in the year are proving especially effective...

...as are others that we now have a track record with for a few seasons.
So far the season is kicking off nicely....lets hope it stays that way."
Report by Pat O' Shea, Cobh SAC