The next light line comp is on Sunday week, the 25th March. Once again Cobh SAC are hosting this event and if you'd like to fish then book your place before next Weds with either club secretary, Mary Geary, on 021-4812167, or Danny Kane, on 086-8161946.
The rules are kept as simple as possible; the only stipulation is that your mainline be 15lb bs or less. Rigs, snoods, shockleaders can be of any strength. The scorecard used is the same as for the National Fish-off's and the fishing is identical. If you'd fancy a crack off making the National Boat Team then this is the ideal practice for you. Mind you, as it is a fun competition this outing is suitable for anglers of all skill levels and for the complete novices there are plenty of auld salts on hand to impart guidance and advice.
In our Jan comp there was an average of 37 fish caught per angler and in our Feb comp there was an average of 35 per angler. Here is the report and results of our last light comp to give you some idea Feb Light Line Comp. This months comp should produce similar fishing!
So come on, book in!!! You know its good for you!!!
It is awesome post.I am impressed from this post.
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Vinnys Towing and Recovery