Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Spanish Armada do Cork.....

There is just no stopping that soft plastic supremo, Jim Clohessy. Jim had a few Spanish clients out from Bellavista recently and videoed some of the action. The action takes place on the Ling Rocks, south of the harbour. Although, nothing massive was landed, there were plenty of fish to keep the anglers busy!!!

If you'd like to hire one of the Bellavista self-drive boats for the day, contact Kevin Murphy on 00-353-86-6029168. Check out Bellavista for more details. You might be lucky, Jim himself might be available for a day's guiding.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Arianna, I'm not too sure what point you want to make; can you clarify?

  3. Ahhh the ling rocks. Sure why not thr turbot bank for a nice spotty. They love the spoons. Or closer to camden for a bass or the other side white bay. I miss fishing cork habour. Even picking crab and digging maddies
